Sunday 17 July 2011


This started off as one painting, but I didn't like how it was going. I attempted to make it into something else, but again it wasn't working. So then I stopped trying to base it on anything and just played with the paint. I'm very pleased with the results! I love the feeling of movement in the lines.

Solway Storm

This actually went wrong, but I quite like how it turned out. I had to put up with my dad watching the Open golf tournament on the TV at the weekend, and there was a rather lovely sky. Very 50s colours with greys, yellows and a bit of purple - as you can see above! I tried to add a silhouette of a cooling tower but it didn't look right so I turned it into a wind turbine.

Cold Fell

A piece not based on an actual scene from Cold Fell, in the western Lake District. More how I see it in my mind's eye.

Lint flow

This was based on the way fluff collected in my old tumble drier. You could see all the layers of the different loads of washing you'd put through. I used a purple colour scheme so it could go in my bedroom. The top photo shows it on the non purple wall in my room!